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Hello everyone, it's your phavorite admin here!

We're on a mission to make our community known far and wide, and we need your help. Here's what we're aiming to do:

-Spread the word and share the site across the web

-Place ads to boost visibility

-Tell your friends and bring them on board

-Create fresh, original content to keep things exciting

With all of us working together, we'll make sure our site's name becomes known to everyone. Let’s make it happen!
R: 0 / I: 0
R: 2 / I: 0
Nazi femboys thread
R: 6 / I: 1
1488 jartycucks got raped just to make this site
R: 3 / I: 0
Interracial board
R: 2 / I: 0
you guys are idiots!
R: 0 / I: 0
R: 1 / I: 0
R: 1 / I: 1

dead nigger site

deadest nigger site award
R: 1 / I: 0
dead nigger of a website as usual