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/qa/ - questions & answers

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File: 1727652424123.png (5.22 KB, 194x259, images.png)


post your voice
10 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Wdym, they make up about like 15% of the Soysphere. Not entirely on the Sharty, most of them are Xitter/Tiktroon offsiters that love soyjaks but are too scared to use imageboards (most of them are brown doe). There are some on the shlog too. IMO, I love diversity in the Soysphere and I like it when everyone is included, even trannies.

I'll give you a lil hint on finding his YouTube channel, what was this site originally called?


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what if i fire you


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But then who will delete the 'p spam while you're asleep or learning your ABCs doe?




File: 1727657099557.png (26.8 KB, 142x196, 34.png)

Yeah because I was sleeping lol.

Also you gave me janny perms even doe I didn't wanna janny. Although it's good to have the perms now just incase bu5tcord wakes up again, kinda sucked to see the Panny get raided while you were snoozin.

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I shilled this site everywhere can you marry me so I don’t stay a serbian tbpcel rye


File: 1727602039520.png (7.93 KB, 128x90, nahh blud is this soicaca ….png)

The board was too short or empty.


i liek this site very much


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what just hapenned


believed in fairy tales award

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chud.win isnt working so i here on even deader site then chud.win

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Teapotist website.




shemmy admin election


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i, teapot/coswork16 won the election.

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What is the main board supposed to be



No idea


Also you should’ve asked that in >>>/pan/


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>questions and answers


uh oh…

File: 1727401386397.png (77.29 KB, 469x385, 30000 - SoyBooru.png)



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