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/mg/ - multigrain bread!

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Welcome to the general board

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panny currently has no winralds so lets make a /RAID/ thread


links to videos and streams

places to raid

epic trolls and dubs you got


Blub what is this 1PPD toilet gonna raid 😭


Holy falseflag


Let's raid the sharty's /soy/. Derail (via supersaging and etc) threads that intend to harass/doxx innocent people
And also post bait that would make RW soyteens seethe a lot

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Do guys like hairy or hairless girl cock?


hairy of course


Don't use my dumb wife for your rancid posts, nigger

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Hi my name is grand show, thank you for watching. Follow me on facebook.

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Hellooo pannies!!! now that the site is back up we need to make this an epic winerald (me pictured)


Transgirls won


well what winralds can we even get?

sharty’s 10 millionth GET is really far away

but it would be funny if we did some mass trolling

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Stole my IP award

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I'm watching Tamer12345's mlp videos and gooning to them unironically


what and why.


Like fat pony asses


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The new Tamers mlp video was kino


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Tamers12345 won

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Riddle me this, Batman, I’m dead, a nigger, and a website, what am I?


Uhh, multiple splinters including this one

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