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File: 1727652424123.png (5.22 KB, 194x259, images.png)


post your voice


shill the site


btw are you a native Kuwaiti or an immigrant?


are you a sheik?


Go dig deep and find xer YouTube channel or something


just post it here


dilate "Cute" Transgirl


Why do you want to hear his voice so bad bro, IMO it sounds like a metal fork being scraped on a chalkboard.


because he says he's a girl everywhere, and I don't know if he's lying or not.


you know women is soysphere is almost impossible
>Flood detected; Post discarded.


>flood o algo


Wdym, they make up about like 15% of the Soysphere. Not entirely on the Sharty, most of them are Xitter/Tiktroon offsiters that love soyjaks but are too scared to use imageboards (most of them are brown doe). There are some on the shlog too. IMO, I love diversity in the Soysphere and I like it when everyone is included, even trannies.

I'll give you a lil hint on finding his YouTube channel, what was this site originally called?


File: 1727656419287.png (20.42 KB, 255x255, 1727461833453u.png)

what if i fire you


File: 1727656648814.png (28.51 KB, 183x199, 14.png)

But then who will delete the 'p spam while you're asleep or learning your ABCs doe?




File: 1727657099557.png (26.8 KB, 142x196, 34.png)

Yeah because I was sleeping lol.

Also you gave me janny perms even doe I didn't wanna janny. Although it's good to have the perms now just incase bu5tcord wakes up again, kinda sucked to see the Panny get raided while you were snoozin.

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